Wednesday 25 April 2012

Restaurant Branding Through Growth Capital

Money rules the world and this is especially true of businesses that operate in a highly competitive market. The restaurant business is also not alien to the fact that in order to keep competition at bay, it requires a huge amount of investible funds to finance its restaurant marketing strategies and avail a better position in the market. From adding value to its food and service to innovating new ‘surprise and delight’ elements that pull customers and trigger same store sales and from building its market image to promoting its offerings amongst dozens others in a cut-throat market, an emerging restaurant concept does require a lot of money. Thankfully, winning ideas do not need to take a backseat; there are several private equity firms and venture capitalists interested in becoming stakeholders in winning concepts that are profit-oriented. Importantly, many of these venture capital or private equity firms also go a step further and offer their knowledge of the changing restaurant trends and support emerging restaurants by putting their networks and contacts to use for the purpose of restaurant branding and promotion.

Whether it is a quick service restaurant in need of growth capital or a high volume fine dining restaurant that requires knowledge and support to better its processes, improve its quality and guest satisfaction levels and cut high capital expenditure, a private equity firm can come to aid for all such scenarios. Even when debts surmount, personal funds begin to deplete and competition arises, a venture capital firm can be a savior for restaurant units to not just sail through tough financial times but also eliminate competition. This solves two purposes:

  1. It provides a seamless supply of growth capital to restaurant owners to improve their restaurant branding and marketing strategies. Venture capital firms have the network and people to pull it all together.
  2. It means a good amount of profit for the venture capitalist too!

To know more about how growth capital can be utilized to fund your restaurant marketing plans, please visit

Bringing Capital, Knowledge and Support to Foster Restaurant Growth

In order to survive in a highly competitive industry, restaurants not only need to better their business processes, service quality and customer and employee satisfaction margins but also cut down on capital expenditure and generate more revenues. As with any other business, an emerging restaurant does need a seamless supply of investible funds or growth capital that can help it to clear its debts and put money in the right ideas to improve its profit margins. At the same time, it also requires innovative, bespoke and ‘out-of-the-box’ strategies that can help it position itself differently in the market and attract more customers. In other words, in order to foster growth, an emerging restaurant requires growth capital, industry-specific knowledge as well as unrelenting support. Needless to say, all these factors help a restaurant to sustain its personal growth and keep its business culture intact.

There are several private equity firms and venture capitalists that have an exorbitant amount of money to invest in winning ideas. If you think you have a secure and breakthrough restaurant concept, you can approach them to acquire growth capital, knowledge as well as operational support in order to pay off your debts, better your restaurant’s service quality and establish strong and profit-oriented operational framework and processes.

For more information on how growth capital, knowledge and support can help your restaurant scale up its profit margins, please visit

Thursday 15 March 2012

Own a Venture Capital Restaurant U.S.A

If you own a winning restaurant concept and want to transform it into a runaway hit, you should consider a venture capital restaurant U.S.A. The first and foremost requirement for any business to establish a strong foothold in its respective market segment and grow even bigger is a continuous supply of growth capital. You might not have enough funds to fuel your dreams of owning the most successful restaurant in the U.S. But does that mean you should lose all hope? Of course not! Venture capital restaurant is an emerging concept in the U.S. and is one of the best marketing plans to help emerging restaurant concepts grow into financially strong and revenue generating entities. Since successful restaurant concepts are secure and have great growth potential, venture capitalist view them as great investment options. These investments are for long periods of time and as the venture capital restaurant continues to grow, the venture capitalists continue to earn profits. This is a mutually profitable scenario for the venture capitalist as well as the restaurant.

If you too are an emerging restaurant owner and are looking for restaurant venture marketing plan to grow your restaurant concept from big to bigger, visit

Is restaurant acquisition a profitable option for restaurant ventures Canada?

Restaurants operate under two main commitments:
1. Generate more revenues
2. Cut down capital expenditure

At the same time, it is important for them to sustain their growth. They do this by attempting to push their same store sales, clearing all debts and buying new stocks. Many restaurant concepts also consider a restaurant acquisition plan in order to continue to grow and maintain a financially healthy position. These restaurants do know that there are several private equity firms and venture capitalists with exorbitant amounts of money, ready to be invested in secure and successful restaurant concepts. A restaurant acquisition is, in fact, one of the safest ways for restaurants to sustain their personal growth while staying independent and keeping its business culture intact.

Several restaurant ventures Canada are considered for acquisition on the basis of factors such as how much interest they can generate among potential buyers. But, since there is always a free flow of cash, private equity firms readily invest in emerging restaurant ventures with a great growth potential. The deal is lucrative for restaurants too as the ready availability of growth capital helps them to pay off their debts, better their service quality and establish strong operational frameworks that are profit oriented.

To know more about how restaurant acquisition can help restaurant ventures Canada, please visit

Thursday 9 February 2012

Hot Restaurant Trends to Watch Out for in 2012

If you are an emerging restaurant owner who wants to make it big in this New Year, here are a few tips on the hottest restaurant trends 2012 to follow:

  1. Do away with artificial flavors. Natural ingredients are in and top chefs are already using the best vegetables and fruits to create their own specialties. In fact it is a great idea to tie up with your local farmer community to get regular supply of season’s best produce and delight your patrons with exciting menus prepared from freshest ingredients.

  1. Home made cheese will stay a food connoisseur’s favourite and a restaurateur’s best bet to attract repeat sales and delight the customers’ food palette. You can experiment with a wide range of options to suit every taste and budget.

  1. Among several hit restaurant trends 2012, the one that is most expected to make news is ‘soupy sandwiches’. That’s right! QSR owners will queue up a delectable range of non-vegetarian and vegetarian options of souped-up sandwiches, that are not just delicious but also filling – simply perfect for busy professionals looking for a quick and scrumptious bite, on the go!

Some of the best restaurant in Toronto have already incorporated some of the above mentioned restaurant trends 2012 and also have a dozen others rolled up their sleeves.
Do you have a winning idea that can help your restaurant concept sizzle in the New Year? To know the latest restaurant trends 2012, please visit

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Hot Restaurant Trends to Watch Out for in 2012

If you are an emerging restaurant owner who wants to make it big in this New Year, here are a few tips on the hottest restaurant trends 2012 to follow:

  1. Do away with artificial flavors. Natural ingredients are in and top chefs are already using the best vegetables and fruits to create their own specialties. In fact it is a great idea to tie up with your local farmer community to get regular supply of season’s best produce and delight your patrons with exciting menus prepared from freshest ingredients.

  1. Home made cheese will stay a food connoisseur’s favourite and a restaurateur’s best bet to attract repeat sales and delight the customers’ food palette. You can experiment with a wide range of options to suit every taste and budget.

  1. Among several hit restaurant trends 2012, the one that is most expected to make news is ‘soupy sandwiches’. That’s right! QSR owners will queue up a delectable range of non-vegetarian and vegetarian options of souped-up sandwiches, that are not just delicious but also filling – simply perfect for busy professionals looking for a quick and scrumptious bite, on the go!

Some of the best restaurant in Toronto have already incorporated some of the above mentioned restaurant trends 2012 and also have a dozen others rolled up their sleeves.
Do you have a winning idea that can help your restaurant concept sizzle in the New Year? To know the latest restaurant trends 2012, please visit

Do You Need Restaurant Consultants?

As much as the owners of emerging restaurant owners are on the top if things truth is that they seldom have the time or the managerial expertise to grow their business from big to bigger. After years of grunt work done to establish successful restaurant units, it is not worthwhile to stay in a stagnant state. It is when these successful restaurants reach a plateau and cannot perceive the scope of going beyond the plausible limits and growing even bigger that the help and strategic expertise of restaurant consultants come handy.

Professional restaurant consultants have years of experience in the food-service-restaurants industry, know what modern consumers want, can predict future trends and help an emerging restaurant concept to stay ahead of competition. Moreover, they can also formulate effective restaurant marketing plans that can minimize costs and maximize revenues earned by a restaurant. They are often well connected and know important people in the restaurant networking circle. Their contacts can come handy in promoting your business, especially in new or foreign markets.

If you are looking for restaurant consultants or a robust restaurant marketing plan that can not only help you maintain healthy balance sheets but also become a ‘brand of tomorrow’, visit